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Department Information


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The Division of Institutional Effectiveness and Research collaborates with administrators, faculty and staff to provide best practices for assessment of goals at all levels of the institution. The Division realizes that campus-wide cultures of assessment and planning are crucial to enhance academic and administrative units and to perform continuous organizational improvement.

The two campus-wide committees for which the Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Research serves as convener are committees that help to contribute to the culture of assessment and the culture of planning:

  • Institutional Assessment Committee (9 members)
    • When called upon, the committee plans, reviews, and executes evaluations of all phases of institutional life; the committee pays special attention to academic assessment as part of the institution’s annual institutional effectiveness cycle.
  • Institutional Planning Committee (10 members)
    • The committee engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning, administration, and evaluation processes that incorporate a systematic review of programs and services resulting in the continual improvement of the institution in order to demonstrate that the institution is accomplishing its mission.